Nem szobák, nem szintek - hanem TÉR

2013. június 30. 19:02 - mB

Apartment in El Born by Arquitectura-GA spanyol Arquitectura-G újította fel ezt a kis lakást Barcelonában - bekerült egy fa raktár/tároló és néhány köztes szint.

Az egyes terek az igényelt méret és intimitási igény szerint alakultak, az igazi gazdagságot a közöttük levő kapcsolat jelenti. Ezért aztán a "felső", az "alsó" helyiségek helyett inkább beszélünk "köztes terekről", "valami melletti terekről" - vagy csak "terekről" (az építészek ismertetéséből).

A teret egy szilárd fal választja ketté, az egyik oldalon a konyha és az étkező, a másikon a nappali, a dolgozó és a háló. A fehér fém lépcső egy az alapterület felét elfoglaló szintre vezet, egy még ennél is magasabban levő platformon található az ágy.

Jó teret kívánok!

Apartment in El Born by Arquitectura-G

Apartment in El Born by Arquitectura-G

Apartment in El Born by Arquitectura-G

Photographs are by José Hevia.

Apartment in El Born by Arquitectura-G

Here are some more details from the architects:

Accommodation of 34 m2 and 4.5 m in height, divided by a load bearing wall in two rooms of similar size, located in El Born in Barcelona.

Apartment in El Born by Arquitectura-G

Assuming this separation, the housing project divides into two areas:

The first consists of the kitchen and a mobile cabinet, which operates as a bar, kitchen side table and dining table. It is a social area linked to the driveway, which improves the electrical installation and use television to spread beyond the mere fact of cooking and eating.

Apartment in El Born by Arquitectura-G

The second stay, however, responds to needs of a greater degree of privacy. That is why the space is fragmented into different trays that house the program in height, providing a gradient of intimacy without losing the visual connection between them.

Apartment in El Born by Arquitectura-G

Thus, the first tray, which occupies half the area of ​​this room, is understood as an ambiguous space dressing room and study area. The second highest one-quarter of the plant surface, contains the space for a bed.

Apartment in El Born by Arquitectura-G

For the resolution of this scheme in height, are particularly important furniture, adapting to different places, meeting the urgent need for storage, and the connection and relationship between levels.

Apartment in El Born by Arquitectura-G

Neglecting current standards of habitability and construction, it gives each area the necessary scale for each item and use the appropriate features.

Apartment in El Born by Arquitectura-G

The spaces are formed depending on the size and privacy they require, and wealth is given by the relations generated between them. For this reason, rather than speaking of space "up" or "below", we can talk of "spaces between", "spaces next to" or "spaces."

Apartment in El Born by Arquitectura-G

Work: Reform of Housing in the Born, Barcelona
Architects: ARCHITECTURE-G (Jonathan Arnabat, Jordi Ayala Bril, Aitor Fuentes, Igor Urdanpileta)
Contributor: David Fernandez Taboada
Sponsor: Ms. Santarelli
Location: Barcelona (Spain)
Reformed Surface: 34 m²
Project Year: 2010
Year built: 2011

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