Sokarcú lépcső Koreában

2013. május 13. 23:00 - mB

Panorama House by Moon HoonA Panorama House nevű panorámaház ugyan egy családi ház Koreában (tervezte Moon Hoon), most mégis csak a központjára. egy izgalmas belső lépcsőre figyelünk, olyannyira, hogy a ház többi részét át is ugorjuk (enyhe kritikaként - érdeklődők a Dezeen-en nézik meg).

Mi meg nézzük a lépcsőt - ami a család 4 gyerekének játszóteret, hátulról könyvespolcot (alá becsúszik egy asztal!), felülről esti filmvetítéseket, föntről le pedig csúszdát jelent: úgy a ház mint a családi együttlétek kalandot kínáló, kedvelt központi eleme.

Panorama House by Moon Hoon

Fent a projektor:

Panorama House by Moon Hoon

Panorama House by Moon Hoon

Panorama House by Moon Hoon

Panorama House

The Client

They have four kids, and that is a big family by contempory standards. They are both teachers in their late thirties. The first and the most important thing they wanted in their new home was a place where their kids could play, read and study. They wanted lower floors for the kids and upper for themselves. They already tried it out with another architect, but it did not satisfy them, that's when they said that they found about me, who appeared to be more playful and more creative.

Panorama House by Moon HoonPhotograph by Huh Juneul

The Site

Irregular and sloped site boasted a great view. It is situated in a nice newly built surburb. The view reminded me of a scene from a movie, LA surburbs at night. Instantly, a name for the house came up - Panorama House - which they nodded with some ambience.

Panorama House by Moon Hoon

Photograph by Huh Juneul

The Design

The basic request of upper and lower spatial organization and the shape of the site prompted a long and thin house with a fluctuating facade, which would allow for a more differentiated view. The key was coming up with a multi-functional space which is a large staircase, bookshelves, casual reading space, home cinema, slide and many more.

Panorama House by Moon Hoon

The client was very pleased with the design, and the initial design was accepted and finalised almost instantly, only with minor adjustments. The kitchen and dining space is another important space where family gathers to bond. The TV was pushed away to a smaller living room. The attic has the best view is possible and it is used as a play room for younger kids.

Panorama House by Moon Hoon

The multi-use stair and slide space brings much active energy to the house. Not only children, but also grown-ups love the slide staircase. It is an action-filled, playful house for all ages.

Panorama House by Moon Hoon

The fluctuating facade is accentuated by mirrored bottom and top angles. It can bring about some illusion when looked at with some concentration. The various sized windows provide different outlooks. Korean houses are floor heated, which is quite unique and brings users to the floors more than to furniture such as sofa and chairs. So many windows are placed quite low, considering the long living habit. There is no high-legged dining table for the family, only a portable foldable short-legged table. The space kept empty until any specific function arises.

Panorama House by Moon Hoon
Photograph by Huh Juneul

Architect: Moon Hoon
Design Team: Lee Ju Hee, Kim Dong Won, Park Sang Eun
Client: Moon Sung Gwang
Total Site Area: 570.50 sqm
Total Floor Area: 209.14 sqm
Construction: reinforced concrete and wood frame

Panorama House by Moon Hoon Concept diagram - click for larger image

Panorama House by Moon Hoon Ground floor plan - click for larger image

Panorama House by Moon Hoon First floor plan - click for larger image

Panorama House by Moon Hoon Second floor plan - click for larger imagePanorama House by Moon Hoon

Long section - click for larger image

Panorama House by Moon Hoon Cross section - click for larger image

Panorama House by Moon HoonFront elevation - click for larger image

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