Going Public (könyv)

2013. április 03. 08:08 - mB

http://usshop.gestalten.com/media/catalog/product/cache/3/image/334x/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/g/o/goingpublic_side.pngFazekas Kati az amerikakontinensről küldi javaslóan ezt a könyvet (itt bele lehet lapozni):

Going Public showcases the creative revival of public space in our urban and rural landscapes. The book’s compelling selection of formal and informal interventions, reclamations, and architecture illustrates the current scope and interest in refashioning and repurposing our built environment for public use. The objectives of the featured examples are as diverse as the projects themselves and range from inspiring communication and community experience to devising new means of gathering in and connecting to nature. 

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