D ház, Bretagne (Franciaország)

2013. március 17. 20:28 - mB

D House by Lode ArchitectureA tengerparton álló ház ravaszul válaszol a hely kihívására: a teljesen zárt(nak tűnő) emelet lebegni látszik a három irányban is megnyíló földszint felett - hogy a hatás teljesebb legyen, csak az emelet oszlik zárt terekre, a szintek között a kandalló, a lépcső és a födémátnyitások is a lebegés képzetét keltik (forrás: Dezeen.com).

- Terv: Lode Architecture, 2012.

viselkedése (lent nyitott és lebegő, fent "tömör") hasonlítható a hamburgi W-házhoz

D House by Lode Architecture

A ház lényegét elmesélő (terep)metszet:

D ház metszet.jpg

Minden függ:

D House by Lode Architecture

...és megnyílik:

D House by Lode Architecture

A kandalló tűztere és kéménye mint a fent és lent találkozása: mint sztalaktit és sztalagmit néz egymás felé:

D House by Lode Architecture

D House by Lode Architecture

A fa csigalépcső kifelé polc:

D House by Lode Architecture

D House by Lode Architecture

D House by Lode Architecture

Fent, a durvább felületú "fa-függöny" mögött is kialakulnak szabad külső terek: teraszok:

D House by Lode Architecture

Photographs by Daniel Moulinet.

D House by Lode Architecture

Az építészek ismertetése (angolul):

D house, Brittany, France

Lode Architecture, 2012

A house for two. Or for twenty.

Beached on the estuary’s banks, where fresh waters meet rising tides, the D house cultivates contradictions. It can be either a shelter or a reception place, an intimate space or the place for partying. It is driven by opposite currents and its character varies depending on its occupants' moods and natural cycles.

D House by Lode Architecture

When discovering the house, the first thing we catch sight of is the overhanging section. Thanks to a retaining wall, a hollow space appears below. Life is organised here around the hearth, the stairs and a central cooking island.

D House by Lode Architecture

All around you, panoramic views of the undergrowth and beyond the river are offered by the upstairs floor. Wells of light passing through the upstairs floor invite the sky into this blended landscape.

D House by Lode Architecture

On the ground, the stone disappears, the windowed angles fade. We live inside the wood.

D House by Lode Architecture

Upstairs, a succession of small spaces creates a completely different hushed atmosphere. We cross a series of adjoining rooms, lit through wooden trellises which filter the view and dim the light.

D House by Lode Architecture

Above: site plan

From the bedrooms, you can access outside closed‐in spaces to get fresh air or sunbathe above the living‐room. Nature is all around and envelopes you.

D House by Lode Architecture

Above: ground floor plan - click above for larger image

The contrasting façades reflect the duality of these spaces. In very different ways they both adopt the same strategy of camouflage: the reflections of the leaves on the glazed surfaces, or the cladding made of untreated planks which imitate the surrounding nature and whose texture merges in the woody environment.

D House by Lode Architecture

Above: first floor plan - click above for larger image

Sophistication and rusticity, abstraction and materiality, the architecture of the house plays with dialectical sets, just like a landscape drawing its strength from the confrontation of the elements.

D House by Lode Architecture

Above: north elevation

Completion date: 2012
Area: Brittany, France

D House by Lode Architecture

Above: south elevation

Dimensions: L 16.10m x l 9.20m x h 6.00m
Living area: 250 m2

D House by Lode Architecture

Above: west elevation

Structure: concrete walls, steel frame, crosswise laminated timber panels
Façade materials : high insulation glass surfaces, chestnut cladding

D House by Lode Architecture

Above: east elevation

Flooring materials: stone, cork
Furniture materials: chestnut, laminated veneered lumber (stairs)

D House by Lode Architecture

Above: cross-section AA

Heating system: geothermal heat pump with vertical collectors
Collaborators: Arnaud Lacoste / Jérôme Vinçon

D House by Lode Architecture

Above: cross-section BB

D House by Lode Architecture

Above: cross-section CC

D House by Lode Architecture

Above: cross-section DD

D House by Lode Architecture

Above: cross-section EE

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